The effects of Global warming are all around us. Rising sea levels, sudden cyclonic storms, changes in atmospheric temperature, landslides and flooding are rampant across India. This is potentially hazardous considering the vast coastal line. In fact, two islands in the Sunderbans, an area which India shares with Bangladesh has already submerged and disappeared.
The cause of global warming has been attributed to green house gases. Greenhouse gases ‘include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone components of the atmosphere’ that contribute to the greenhouse effect or considerably warm the atmosphere. A significant percentage of carbon emissions come from fast growing economies like India and China, however, its per capita emissions is way below those of the developed countries.
There is a need to work collectively towards controlling global warming. Small steps such as replacing incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs or compact fluorescent lamp (CFLs), turning off appliances when not in use, switching off TVs, computers, lights, etc. that are not being used and unplugging electronic items after use (that consume electricity even when not being used), including TVs, video and audio systems, computers, and chargers (for cell-phones and other electronic equipment) can make a considerable difference to energy consumption.
In cities such as Mumbai, one needs to be all the more cautious of their environment. Mumbai city being built on reclaimed ground, even four to five inches of rainfall has the potential to submerge many parts of the city. Regular car maintenance can help bring down emissions to a great extent. One can save as much as 6% by tuning their car regularly. If an engine emits black smoke, has poor pulling power or consumes large quantities of oil, getting it checked immediately at a reliable service centre can make considerable difference in energy consumption and reduce pollution. When possible, choosing alternatives to driving (public transit, biking, walking, carpooling), and bundling errands together so you'll make fewer trips are some of the ways to avoid vehicular pollution. Recycling, turning up the temperature of air conditioners to a modest 24 degree Celsius are few other ways to pitch in towards controlling global warming.
The first-ever Car rally of eco-friendly vehicles with the theme 'Save the Earth' was hosted on Nov 22, 2009. It stressed on the importance manufacturing of eco-friendly vehicles that encourage alternatives for conventional fuels like petrol and diesel. It showcased battery operated cars that could very well be the future of automotives in India.